In shooting, in addition to using the camera with all the trimmings, there are times when we need the support tools to maximize the results of our photo shoot. Support tool is very useful to help us in every shooting and the use of photographic tools depending on our needs. Use of assistive devices can affect the results of the photo shoot we will get. It all depends on the extent of our creativity in creating photographic works and what kind of picture we want. There are three types of tools that we have to recognize photography, namely:
TOOL shooting
a. filter
As the name implies this tool works the same way as the filters in general, ie as a filter, if the filter is useful in cigarette smoke but here the filter function to filter incoming light, causing the effects we want. Its use by way of tip mounted lens. The shape of the filter there are two square (box) and the circle (round). If using square filters, we must add a special ring in front of the lens. To use filters that are round, we should pay attention to the diameter of the camera lens we use. Kind of - kind of filters and uses include:
a. PL filter, concentrating the color and eliminate reflections
b. UV filters, reduces ultra violet rays.
c. ND filter (natural density), reducing contrast.
d. color filters, color effects.
e. soft filter, soften object.
f. diffuser filter, soft filter is similar to, but more subtle.
g. cross filter, giving the effect of cross / cross at the light source.
h. filter multi-image, multi-image effects.
i. expose multiple filters, used in the shooting multi expose.
j. filter gradation, color gradation effect
b. The lens hood
The instrument is mounted on the lens function eliminates light / unwanted light into the lens because the light can cause a flare-up usually captured. Flare can damage the images because of lower contrast and reduced color saturation. This tool is very useful especially in shooting directly opposite the direction of the light.
c. tripod
Tripod or so-called three-legged camera serves as a buffer to hold the camera while shooting turbulence (shaking). Usually used in a photo shoot that uses the velocity (speed) is low / slow and to sustain long lenses.
d. monopod
Has the same function as a tripod but just a different shape that is only one foot so it is more practical.
e. cable Release
The shape is almost like a flexible injection serves to avoid shock when the shutter is pressed when using this tool because we do not need to press the shutter directly. Its use is mounted on the cable release socket which is usually found on the shutter button. Usually this is his soulmate tripod and let me use a tripod more afdol.
f. background
Cloth or background used for studio shooting with a variety of images, patterns and colors.
g. Background stand
Buffer to the background, and in its use there are at least two booths. This tool can be raised - down as needed.
a. Flash or Blitz
Required in the shooting when there is less light / minimal, for example shooting at night. However, it is not forbidden for us to use flash during the day, when there is enough light much / bright. The use of flash during the day is usually to fill in. Sources of flash power comes from the battery. Flash can be used in accordance with its power, distance, until it has more facilities.
b. Slave Unit
Can be referred to as sensors. The workings of the slave unit is capturing light from the main light (main light source) and then turn on the other light source that is connected to the slave unit.
c. Sincro Cable / Sync Cable
The cable used to help ignite additional flash or other light source shooting. How to use sync cable that is by plugging an additional light source to the camera body.
d. Holder or Bracket
This tool is used if we feel the need to use additional flash. Holder serves as a buffer additional flash and slave units. Its use by means mounted on the camera body.
e. Strobe or Strobe
This tool is similar to flash, but are bulkier and the light produced is also greater. Strobe light can save the power source from the AC power supply or battery dry. Strobe has a sensor that can capture the play of light main light source. So strobe will turn on automatically when the main light is turned on. If not using the play of light, the strobe can be activated by connecting the sync cable directly from the camera to the strobe. The size of the strobe light power generated can be set according to our tastes. These devices are more widely used for shooting studio / indoor.
f. AC Slave
Similar to strobe the workings and usage. But the nature of the light from the AC Slave is widened or spread in all directions.
g. snoot
This tool serves to direct the light at one point so as not to spread / centralized. The shape resembles a funnel snoot and also more widely used for shooting studio / indoor. Typically also used for shooting double and multi-expose.
h. umbrella Reflector
The nature of light produced wider so the shadow and the light becomes softer overall. Umbrella reflector has an assortment of colors. The standard color is white, but there is also a silver-colored (produce stronger light) and gold (produce a warm light). The light source of this tool comes from the strobe.
i. reflector
Used to provide additional light which is the reflection of light from the main light. Usually circular and box. Generally has three colors: white, silver and gold. We can also use a piece of white cloth, styrofoam and glossy paper as a reflector which is useful when shooting.
j. soft Box
A box made of cloth with the position or order that is shaped like a pyramid. Softbox light produced softer than the light produced umbrella reflector or reflector. Softbox has an assortment of sizes (the larger size is the soft light produced). Soft Box Light source is also derived from the strobe.
k. Barndoors
Rectangular-shaped and dark colored. Usually mounted on a soft box. Usefulness of barndoors is to direct the light emitted from the light source.
l. Honeycomb / Hornet Nest
This tool is similar to the filter and circular shape like a honeycomb, but mounted on the lamp / light source. Serves to soften the light falling in the direction of the object ..
m. Light Stand
The tools used to support the studio lights.
n. flash Meters
Serves as a measure of the strength of the light source in the shooting indoor or outdoor. This tool is more accurate than the light meter on the camera.
o. Infrared Sender
Transmit infrared light for fishing flame flash or studio lights
p. Trigger
Turning on the flash / studio light with wave electro
§ Changing Bag
Light-tight black bag that is useful to remove the film from the shell and then to then rolled in a roller and put into the developer tank. There are two holes for entry of a hand and a big hole with two zippers for entry of the film wash equipment.
§ Cutlery / scissors
To cut the film after rolled onto a roller.
§ Developer tank
Tube cylindrical light-tight and used to wash the film manually. In this tool there is a functioning roller sleeve roll of movie films.
§ Chemical
Fluids to process the film (washing process), ie
- Developer, developing emulsion.
- Stopbath, stop the development.
- Fixer, set image.
- Water, rinsing and washing results molds.
- Wetting agent, removes blotches on the film and to avoid scratches on the negative
Chemical above, the use should be sequential.
§ Thermometer
To measure the temperature of the room as the benchmark time in the wash movie
§ Measure Glasses
To make it easier to measure the amount of chemical to be used in processing the film.
§ Tongs movie
Useful tool for the film after drying washed by hanging to avoid negative-folded and avoid scratches.
§ Chemical
Chemical used to print process here is the same as that used in the washing process but does not require a wetting agent.
§ enlarger / vergroot apparaat.
Tools for printing photos. By having a large watt lamp to illuminate the negative and burn photo paper. Enlarger timer associated with the function to adjust the time required to illuminate a photographic negative. Supplies enlarger is similar to a camera that has the focusing and aperture.
§ Bak
Quadrilateral for chemical spot size is sufficient to print photo paper which we will print (usually 10 R to 12 R).
§ Paperclips
To avoid direct contact with the chemical and minimize scratches on the printout, it is necessary that this one tool.
§ Dryer / Heater
Drying paper printed photos more evenly so that the photo does not experience the patches.
1. Dry Box
Moisture-proof cupboard for storing photographic equipment highly susceptible to fungal attack, especially on the lens. These cabinets are equipped with lights that have a low wattage (typically 2.5 watt) so that the temperature is maintained and anticipate closet moisture. The recommended temperature is 20 ° C.
2. Waterproof Bag
Waterproof bag that serves as a temporary place of photographic equipment when hunting during the rainy season, so we do not get wet photographic equipment.
3. Blower Brush
Tools that can be issued a blast of air to clean the dust on the camera.
4. Lens Tissue
Special wipes to clean the lens.
5. Silica Gel
The drying agent used to counteract the humidity
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