Saturday, 1 November 2014

 10 Tips Photographing in Dark Light Conditions
Most of the reasons people want to buy a DSLR camera for increased picture quality, especially in dark lighting conditions. DSLR camera has an image sensor that is much larger than a compact camera so the potential to get a good photo results clearly greater.

But if not setting up and use it properly, then the images with a DSLR camera will not be maximized as well. In this article I will share some tips when shooting in low light conditions dark enough, such as indoors or at night.

1. Use a high ISO - When shooting in dark light conditions and with camera in hand, should use the ISO as high as ISO 800-6400 (depending on the level of existing light).

High ISO will make the image quality becomes less good, but if the light conditions are very dark and we did not have a tool such as a tripod or flash, then the only way that the photos are not dark / not sharp is to use a high ISO.

2. Mode Aperture Priority (A or Av) - I rely on the camera mode is a mode A / Av. This mode is quite reliable for a variety of conditions, including the dark-light conditions.

If you are experienced enough, Manual mode (M) is also pretty good. A mode is quite practical. When shooting in dark light conditions, turn the aperture value to a small number eg f / 3.5 or smaller.

The smaller the number, the larger the lens opening. This value depends on the lens aperture installed. There is a lens that can open up to f / 1.4 zoom lens but mostly about opening up to f / 3.5, f / 4 or f / 5.6

Aperture is the proverbial window in the room. The larger the window, the brighter the room. When the dark-light conditions, it takes a larger openings.

3. Use a large berbukaan lens - Dial from the tips above, large aperture lens advantageous in dark light conditions. With great berbukaan lens, such as 35mm f / 1.8 or 50mm f / 1.8, we can put a lot of light into the camera.

When using a very large aperture, ISO does not need to be too high, ISO 400-1600 is usually sufficient. Another effect of large openings that are out of focus background will look blurry, while the subject is in focus will be sharp. Ideal for portraits of people / models.

4. Continuous drive - Photographing a row can help in dark lighting conditions. The goal is to get a sharp photo. How to activate a row of photos is in drive mode menu.

Select the symbol checkered plated, then when taking photos. Hold the shutter button / snap and the camera will take consecutive photos. Choose the best photos from some of the photos that have been made.

5. Pay attention to the direction of light falling on your subject - Observe the fall of light onto the subject. For example, when photographing people, observe whether the light that falls fairly evenly to the face? or his face in shadow?

If possible, communicate to the subject to turn to the light.

6. Wait for the right moment - If the subject can not be arranged, then wait for the right moment to photograph. When the fashion show for example, there is a 1-2 second when the subject pose and silent. When it is time to take pictures.

7. Establish grip - When shooting in very dark light conditions, usually becoming quite slow shutter speed. This time, we have solidified a camera grip and good breathing exercises.

Hold your breath and exhale slowly while pressing the shutter button gently. Establish the position of the camera body and not to vibrate when you press the shutter button.

8. Effect movement - We can create the effect of moving people by incorporating elements of motion blur. The trick is using the shutter speed is a bit slow then a little panning (moving the camera) so that the subject of the photo and blur the background slightly. The effect of this movement sometimes succeed, sometimes fail because too blur / shake.

9. Use a tripod - Tripod is ideal for shooting subjects that do not move at night, such as photograph landscapes, city, sky or indoors. By using a tripod, we do not worry about slow shutter speed causing blurry photos.

We can also use the smallest ISO (100/200) to get the images with maximum quality. Tripod will not help when shooting moving subjects such as images of human or animal.

10. Use flash / flash - If the light is shining on the subject is not good (dark, uneven, the color does not match). So the solution is to use a flash. In DSLR cameras usually have no flash installed (The built-in flash).

This flash can help illuminate the subject, but it is usually the result of hard and eliminate the dimensions of the subject. I suggest using an external flash (speedlight). If shooting indoors, the flash point to the top of the ceiling so that light can be reflected back to the subject.

The result is a softer light and evenly, the dimensions of the subject also looks more real and natural. Make sure the ceiling is not too high or has a color that is not suitable, because the reflected light will have the color matches the color of the ceiling.

In a very dark light conditions because the sun had not risen and the lighting is very dim temple. I waited until the nuns look towards the light coming from the lamp outside the temple room. ISO 3200, f / 1.4, 1/100 sec)

Good luck and good luck making better pictures.


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